Posted On December 25, 2019 By In Product Review, Slider With 1994 Views

Gamemax এর গেমিং কেস আনলো রায়ান্স

Gamemax এর গেমিং কেস আনলো রায়ান্স

বিশ্বখ্যাত গেমিং পেরিফেরাল নির্মাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান Gamemax এর পণ্য দেশের বাজারে এনেছে রায়ান্স কম্পিউটার্স। চীনা গেমিং কম্পোনেন্ট নির্মাতা ব্র্যান্ড Gamemax –এর মূল প্রতিষ্ঠান Guandong Sohoo Technology Co. Ltd.।
Advanced environmental technology এবং avant-garde design এর কারণে গেমিং বিশ্বে, বিশেষত উত্তর-আমেরিকায় তুমুল জনপ্রিয় ব্র্যান্ড Gamemax। পরিবেশ বান্ধব প্রযুক্তির জন্য গেমার ও গেম ডেভেলপারদের পছন্দের শীর্ষে রয়েছে Gamemax।
ডেস্কটপ কম্পিউটার ও গেমিং পিসি’র জন্য কেসিংয়ের পাশাপাশি পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই, কার্ভ্ড মনিটর, কুলিং সিস্টেম, কেবি মাউসসহ বেশ কিছু গেমিং এক্সেসরিজ তৈরি করে থাকে Gamemax। অবশ্য প্রাথমিকভাবে বেশ কয়েক মডেলের গেমিং ডেস্কটপ কেস বাজারজাত করছে রায়ান্স। এসব ডেস্কটপ কেসের উল্লেখযোগ্য স্পেসিফিকেশন ও ফিচার তুলে ধরা হলো।

Gamemax StarLight ATX Mid Tower White (Red LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.36
Price: 3,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX/Micro-ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 360mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/RearTop: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Top metal Panel With filter (Top Panel), 0.5mm, Black Painting Interior
Color: White
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower (Red LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 Chanel High/Stop/Low
Dimensions (WxHxD): 205 x 470 x 440mm

Gamemax StarLight ATX Mid Tower White (Green LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.35
Price: 3,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX/Micro-ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 360mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Top metal Panel With filter (Top Panel), 0.5mm, Black Painting Interior
Color: White
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower (Green LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 Chanel High/Stop/Low
Dimensions (WxHxD): 205 x 470 x 440mm

Gamemax StarLight ATX Mid Tower Black (White LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.34
Price: 3,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX/Micro-ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 360mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/RearTop: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB3.0, 2 x USB2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Top metal Panel With filter (Top Panel), 0.5mm, Black Painting Interior
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower (White LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 Chanel High/Stop/Low
Dimensions (WxHxD): 205 x 470 x 440mm

Gamemax Elysium ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.33
Price: 3,300 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 380mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear Front: 120 or 240mm, Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 2
Cooling Fan (Optional): 3
CPU cooler height: 158mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB3.0, 2 x USB2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
5.25″ Drive Bay: 1
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.5mm, Black painting interior (Chassis), Top metal panel with filter (Top Panel), left panel with transparent panel (Side Panel), Transparent finish (Front Panel)
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 channel
Dimensions (WxHxD): 400 x 185 x 470mm
Weight (Kg): 4.7Kg

Gamemax Pardo G503X Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.32
Price: 3,300 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 380mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 5
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay:2
5.25″ Drive Bay: 1
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.5mm, Black painting interior (Chassis), Top metal panel with filter (Top Panel), left panel with transparent panel (Side Panel), Transprant finish (Front Panel)
Color: Black
Specialty: latest ATX tower gaming case, It comes with an acrylic plastic transparent front panel and with an acrylic Side window making the Elysium more attractive
Others Fan controller: 1 channel
Dimensions (WxHxD): 400 x 185 x 470mm
Weight (Kg): 4.7Kg

Gamemax H-605-BL ATX Mid Tower Blue Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.30
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: SECC metal panel (Front Panel), Full Left acrylic Window (Transparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: Blue
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 350 x 188 x 380mm

Gamemax H-602-BK ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.29
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 5
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.6mm SGCC (Body), Plastic (Front Bezel), Vented (Side Panel)
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 440 x 188 x 407mm
Weight (Kg): 3.9Kg

Gamemax H-605-WT ATX Mid Tower White Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.28
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: SECC metal panel (Front Panel), Full Left acrylic Window (Transparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: White
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
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Gamemax H-605-BK ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.27
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: SECC metal panel (Front Panel), Full Left acrylic Window (Transparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 350 x 188 x 380mm

Gamemax Raider X ATX Full Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.26
Price: 10,200 Tk
Case Type: Full Tower
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX, E-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 420mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm/360mm, Top: 240mm/360mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Optional): 7
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 2 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 4
3.5″ Drive Bay: 3
Expansion Slots: 8
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Thickness 1.5mm, Black painting Interior (Chassis), Transparent with Duel Sides easy Open Handle (Side Panel), Made By Aluminums (Front Bezel &amp; Case Body)
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Full Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 515 x 230 x 464mm

Gamemax Polaris ATX Full Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.24
Price: 5, 800 Tk
Case Type: Full Tower
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 415mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
CPU cooler height: 163mm
Front USB port: 2 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 3
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: SPCC 0.6mm, Black Inside (Body), ABS + Tempered Glass (Front Bezel), Tempered Glass &amp; SPCC 0.6mm Metal Panel (Side Panel)
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Full Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 452 x 218 x 447mm
Weight (Kg): 6.8Kg

Gamemax Asgard G-516 RGB ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.23
Price: 4,500 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 360mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 160mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.5mm SPCC
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Others RGB Controller: 1 Channel
Dimensions (WxHxD): 452 x 206 x 522mm
Weight (Kg): 4.95Kg

Gamemax H-605-TB Mini Tower Black Micro Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.22
Price: 4,200 Tk
Case Type: Mini Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 3
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Tempered Glass (Front Panel &amp; Tranparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: Black
Specialty: Mini Tower Micro Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 350 x 245 x 470mm
Weight (Kg): 3.9Kg

Gamemax H-605-TA Mini Tower Black Micro Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.21
Price: 4,200 Tk
Case Type: Mini Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 330mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 3
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Tempered Glass (Front Panel &amp; Tranparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: Black
Specialty: Mini Tower Micro Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 350 x 188 x 380mm
Weight (Kg): 3.9Kg

Gamemax G-506 ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.20
Price: 3,400 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 380mm
Front Audio Port: Audio In &amp; Out
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 3
Cooling Fan (Optional): 3
CPU cooler height: 158mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 3 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 1
3.5″ Drive Bay: 5
5.25″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: X5 chassis, 0.5mm Case in black, Black Chassis inside
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Others Fan control: 2 Channel Fan control (High/off/Low)
Dimensions (WxHxD): 412 x 185 x 410mm
Weight (Kg): 3.6Kg

Gamemax Moonlight ATX Mid Tower Black (Blue LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.18
Price: 3,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 360mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 4
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 160mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: Top metal Panel With filter (Top Panel), 0.5mm, Black Painting Interior
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower (Blue LED Fan) Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 Chanel High/Stop/Low
Dimensions (WxHxD): 205 x 470 x 440mm

Gamemax Elysium ATX Mid Tower White Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.17
Price: 3,400 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 380mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 2
Cooling Fan (Optional): 3
CPU cooler height: 158mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
5.25″ Drive Bay: 1
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.5mm, Black painting interior (Chassis), Top metal panel with filter (Top Panel), left panel with transparent panel (Side Panel), Transprant finish (Front Panel)
Color: White
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Others Fan controller: 1 channel
Dimensions (WxHxD): 400 x 185 x 470mm
Weight (Kg): 4.7Kg

Gamemax Pardo G503X Mid Tower White Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.16
Price: 3,300 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, ITX, Micro-ATX, ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 380mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Top: 120 or 240mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 5
CPU cooler height: 170mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
5.25″ Drive Bay: 1
Expansion Slots: 7
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: latest ATX tower gaming case, It comes with an acrylic plastic transparent front panel and with an acrylic Side window making the Elysium more attractive
Color: White
Specialty: latest ATX tower gaming case, It comes with an acrylic plastic transparent front panel and with an acrylic Side window making the Elysium more attractive
Others Fan controller: 1 channel
Dimensions (WxHxD): 400 x 185 x 470mm
Weight (Kg): 4.7Kg

Gamemax H-603-2U3 ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.15
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 3
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.6mm SGCC (Body), Plastic (Front Bezel), Vented (Side Panel)
Color: Black
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 440 x 188 x 407mm
Weight (Kg): 3.9Kg

Gamemax H-602-WB ATX Mid Tower White Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.14
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: Standard ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 5
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.6mm SGCC (Body), Plastic (Front Bezel), Vented (Side Panel)
Color: White
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions (WxHxD): 440 x 188 x 407mm
Weight (Kg): 3.9Kg

Gamemax H-605-RD ATX Mid Tower Red Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.13
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Series: Hero Series
Power Supply: ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 340mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 120 or 240mm, Rear: 120mm
Front Audio Port: HD Audio
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 2
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: SECC metal panel (Front Panel), Full Left acrylic Window (Transparent Side Panel), Top air vent with magnetic filter (Top Panel), 0.6mm mixed, Black painting interior
Color: Red
Specialty: ATX Mid Tower Gaming Casing
Dimensions(WxHxD): 350 x 188 x 380mm

Gamemax H-601-BR ATX Mid Tower Black &amp; Red Gaming Casing
Product Id: 07.02.711.12
Price: 2,800 Tk
Case Type: Mid Tower
Power Supply: Standard PSU ATX
Supported Mainboard Type: Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX
VGA Card Compatibility: 345mm
Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear: Front: 240mm
Front Audio Port: 1 x HD Audio, 1 x Microphone
Cooling Fan (Built-In): 1
Cooling Fan (Optional): 5
CPU cooler height: 155mm
Front USB port: 1 x USB 3.0; 1 x USB 2.0
2.5″ Driver Bay: 2
3.5″ Drive Bay: 2
Expansion Slots: 4 x Half-Height
Transparent Side Window: Yes
Material: 0.6mm SGCC (Body), Plastic (Front Bezel),
Color: Black &amp; Red
Dimensions (WxHxD): 455 x 185 x 410mm
Weight (Kg): 3.8Kg


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